Saturday, June 18, 2011

Litter Kwitter

We don't know what to think of this yet, but our Mommy says that it will keep us cleaner and save money so she can buy us more toys, cat shelves, maybe even a new big cat tower too. I guess we'll give it a shot!
We are on the Red Stage right now. I have been doing a great job, but Fiona is missing the target, maybe I'll give her a few tips along the way, you know girls, they don't like anyone to tell them what to do, so I'm nervous to say anything. She will figure it out, she is smart.
Argus our friend who lived here when we came thinks this must just be for us, he better not think he wont have to use it, if I have to, so does he.

1 comment:

  1. We decided to take a break until we have a home with more potty's in the house. Oh well, we gave it a go.
